Things to Know for Laser Season

When is “laser season” & why do we call it that?

We refer to the colder months as “laser season” because when planning for our Halo or BBL laser treatments, it is imperative that all sun exposure (including sunless tanner) is avoided for a minimum of 4 weeks before & after a laser treatment! It’s much easier to stay indoors when the weather isn’t sunny & warm!

Why do you have to avoid the sun before and after a laser treatment?

-The lasers target pigment on the skin, so when your skin is not at its baseline color, this could result in the laser making the pigment worse leaving hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, or striping.

-The laser will also be unable to differentiate between tan and the hyperpigmentation we are trying to correct. Laser treatments on tan skin are not only higher risk for adverse effects, they are less effective.

What do the lasers do?

-The Halo Laser is a hybrid laser that is both ablative & nonablative. The Halo targets: deep pigment, tone & texture, lines & wrinkles, pore size & more.

-The Moxi Laser is a nonablative resurfacing laser that targets: tone & texture, fine lines & early signs of aging. This laser is safe for ALL skin types, including patients with Melasma!

-The BBL (BroadBand Light) Laser targets: superficial pigment, redness, rosacea, vascular lesions, acne & helps to slow cellular aging process.

Which laser is best for YOU?

-We offer complimentary consultations & we will make recommendations based on your skin tone, concerns & goals! You can visit here to schedule yours!


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